How did this happen?

Well, after a very long year of ups and downs and my life turning 180 degrees (long story!), I found myself moving into an old house that hadn't been inhabited for the past 10 or 12 years.

Being an only child of a single and very possesive mother who had always insisted on my uselesness at anything that involved handwork (and she was probably right... except for the fact that I had never tried doing anything!), I thought I'd have to spend an awful lot of money and time with plumbers, electricians, builders, roofers, and sooo I didn't have (and sadly, still don't!) and so much precious time! Time for finding a person who'd do the job, time for waiting until he could come to the house and evaluate how much money I'd need to get the job done, time to find another person to pass me a second budget, time....

See, after I found myself indirectly kicked out of my mother's house, and having enough "marital" troubles living with my boyfriend at his house,( enough to drive me to the doorstep of depression), I was given the invaluable chance of moving into this house. But time, was not something I could spare.

But what does being an only child of a possive mother have to do with this? Well, that aside from her, I pretty much didn't know anyone else... so if I couldn't count on workers to help me get this house fixed, who'd help me? No one... so, I was on my own!

To be honest with you, the first time I walked into the house all I could think of was how to decorate it, what colour to paint the walls, where I was going to place some plants... I had pictured a whole Pinterest pin of a house, without considering that the house didn't even have electricity or running water! Not to mention that the walls were almost ready for demolition due to humidity problems and that the roofs looked like gruyere cheese!

That's when my guardian angel came and said "Calm down. You can do it! It might take you a bit longer, but you got this!" And then proceeded with the following phrase worthy of being hanged on one of the walls (once pictures can be hanged on these walls!)

Meaning, it's easy to look around and think you just can't make it, but don't pay attention to that, and up and atom! I mean up and at them! You can do it! Just take everything bit by bit, and soon you'll see the change you're looking for!

So I did! And while I was sweating, painting, brooming, hammering, drilling, ouching (as in "ouch!"), and basically trying! I thought these experiences could be useful to anyone out there, regardless of your situation and or background.

The name of the site was originally going to be "I can do that!" but that name and maany other variants were already taken, so I went with Ana (that'd be me!) Bilder, which was an attempt of a play on words between the words Builder in English, and Bilder (pictures) in German, as I tried to get almost everything on camera.

I hope you enjoy my adventures!
